Saturday, March 28, 2015

Here I go again....

                                                                                                                                        March 27, 2015

       Well, I fell way off the wagon as usual. There has been so much stress and I sure do not deal with it well. I am now back on with the help of my husband. I don't know if I ever mentioned anything about my health, but I have dilated cardiomyopathy with heart failure. The other day I noticed my abdomen was starting to swell, so I took my Lasix and boy did that release a bunch of fluid. My husband and I decided that it was really imperative that I drop some weight.

       Having to weigh myself everyday would prove to be stressful for me so Kenny came up with an idea, I would step on the scale and not look while he wrote down my weight. He would keep track of it everyday and let me know if I gained or lost. I thought that was a fabulous idea.

        Day one was a pitty party. It started off with promise, but by dinner time I was feeling sorry for myself. Thinking of all of the foods and restaurants I would miss, pissed me off. Why can't I eat what I want? Why can't I have four slices of pizza if I want? Because Amy, you need to eat to live, not live to eat.

       I did log back on to My Fitness Pal and start tracking my food again. My calorie goal is set to 1560 and any exercise I do will not be tracked. I do not want to use those extra calories as bonuses. I did go over by about 100 calories, but I was not going to be too hard on myself.

Fat Girl in a Little Coat

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