Sunday, March 29, 2015

The wheel keeps on turning

       Yes, I did. I stepped on the scale today, wondering if I put water weight back on. To my surprise, I am down a total of 3.6 pounds in two days. Should I follow yesterdays breakfast and lunch choices? I ended yesterday with 266 calories. Unfortunately, I went over my sodium allowance. So maybe if I leave about that many calories a day, the momentum will keep going.

       Well, my breakfast decision was difficult. I debated whether I wanted to eat the year old oatmeal or have two eggs and two pieces of low sodium bacon.  I know it sounds crazy, but I really had an internal struggle with what to do. Am I becoming obsessive over weight loss now? After all, I have lost 3.6 pounds in two days. I really wanted to stick to that because I finally saw light at the end of  the tunnel. There was not a pity party yesterday, so I must have felt like I had better food choices so I did not feel like I was losing control. Ultimately, I decided to go with eggs and bacon. I did however omit the toast, which was not as hard as I thought it would be. But my son asked me who I was and what did I do with his mother, lol . 226 cal

       Baby steps is the key. I just took a quick break and cleaned a bit of the kitchen. I do have to make a confession. I have never been a good housekeeper. Now days, I do not know if it is because of my weight or my heart or maybe a combination of both, but it is more difficult to get things done. One load of laundry and I am out of breath. I just feel that I am constantly cleaning. Since I can only get a bit done here and there, what I had gotten cleaned one day is dirty the next. I am hoping that with the more house work I do and the continued eating healthy, I can increase my weight loss enough to be able to hit the track and get faster results.

Feeling good

Fat Girl in a Little Coat

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