Monday, March 30, 2015


       Three days have passed and I am down five pounds. I am super excited and extra motivated to continue this journey. The past two days I have left about 240 calories for the day. I wonder if I decide to one day eat my allowance, will I still be down some the next day? I will say, I have had one heck of a time keeping my sodium in check. You would not believe how hard it is. There are so many products that seem to have more than a necessary amount of salt.

       I do have to say it is kind of hard to concentrate. My cat is playing with her ball. It has a bell in it and she is batting it all around the kitchen. Then she will pick it up in her mouth and carry it around the house, drop it, and bat it around some more. It is cute watching her.

       Busy, day. I left my computer for a bit to do some housework. It seems like today, I am a bit slower. Or maybe I just did too much. I have also discovered yesterday and today, around the same time, my hunger has been up. I went ahead and had a snack before dinner, but 30 minutes later I am still hungry. I may have to dip into my calories I like to leave at the end of the evening.

Gonna cut it short

Fat Girl in a Little Coat

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Had a great day. Right now I have 434 calories left for the day and it is 6:17 pm. I plan on having a bit of something in an hour that way I will leave the 200 and something that I did yesterday. I did not have many hunger pangs between meals. I am happy about my food choices, but still scared to step on the scale tomorrow. I am happy about the loss of 3.6 pounds, but afraid something will happen and when I step on the scale, it will have added weight. I am doing the same thing I have since Friday, so there shouldn't be any reason, other than water weight, that I should gain. If you haven't noticed, I hate rejection. 

Until tomorrow

Fat Girl in a Little Coat

The wheel keeps on turning

       Yes, I did. I stepped on the scale today, wondering if I put water weight back on. To my surprise, I am down a total of 3.6 pounds in two days. Should I follow yesterdays breakfast and lunch choices? I ended yesterday with 266 calories. Unfortunately, I went over my sodium allowance. So maybe if I leave about that many calories a day, the momentum will keep going.

       Well, my breakfast decision was difficult. I debated whether I wanted to eat the year old oatmeal or have two eggs and two pieces of low sodium bacon.  I know it sounds crazy, but I really had an internal struggle with what to do. Am I becoming obsessive over weight loss now? After all, I have lost 3.6 pounds in two days. I really wanted to stick to that because I finally saw light at the end of  the tunnel. There was not a pity party yesterday, so I must have felt like I had better food choices so I did not feel like I was losing control. Ultimately, I decided to go with eggs and bacon. I did however omit the toast, which was not as hard as I thought it would be. But my son asked me who I was and what did I do with his mother, lol . 226 cal

       Baby steps is the key. I just took a quick break and cleaned a bit of the kitchen. I do have to make a confession. I have never been a good housekeeper. Now days, I do not know if it is because of my weight or my heart or maybe a combination of both, but it is more difficult to get things done. One load of laundry and I am out of breath. I just feel that I am constantly cleaning. Since I can only get a bit done here and there, what I had gotten cleaned one day is dirty the next. I am hoping that with the more house work I do and the continued eating healthy, I can increase my weight loss enough to be able to hit the track and get faster results.

Feeling good

Fat Girl in a Little Coat

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Having a better day

       Since both of have become unemployed for almost a month now, I feel I am handling the stress better. Today I woke up and was kind of dreading stepping on the scale. I stripped down, and braved the scale and I was down 1.6 pounds. I took my water pill yesterday which I knew would make me lighter but wondered what tomorrows weight would be since I did not need a water pill today.

       I felt better about the day and my new beginning. Breakfast was fulfilling. I had low sugar maple and brown sugar oatmeal and four pieces of Hormel pre-cooked bacon. As I was eating my oatmeal, I discovered it had a bit of a funk to it. Upon further inspection, the oatmeal was over a year old, I still ate it. 173 calories.

       After breakfast, we went to storage to clean out things for a garage sale. Since we will be leaving for a new state next May, we thought it would be best to clean out what we did not need or want and sell it so we could have money for a hopeful vacation. My son found my ankle weights in his stuff, so I strapped them on and went about my business despite Kenny's opinion of my fashion choice, ratty t-shirt, shorts, and my cool ankle weights, lol.

      Came home and input my Chicken Carbonara  recipe into my My Fitness Pal recipe builder. I had a pretty awesome and filling lunch too. I had taken a pita slice and filled it with butter lettuce, tomato, sliced red pepper, red onion, Honeysuckle White turkey lunch meat, and homemade light ranch dressing. I also sliced more peppers to eat on the side. 319 calories.

       Now I am off to start my garden with the help of my little princess.

Fat Girl in a Little Coat

Here I go again....

                                                                                                                                        March 27, 2015

       Well, I fell way off the wagon as usual. There has been so much stress and I sure do not deal with it well. I am now back on with the help of my husband. I don't know if I ever mentioned anything about my health, but I have dilated cardiomyopathy with heart failure. The other day I noticed my abdomen was starting to swell, so I took my Lasix and boy did that release a bunch of fluid. My husband and I decided that it was really imperative that I drop some weight.

       Having to weigh myself everyday would prove to be stressful for me so Kenny came up with an idea, I would step on the scale and not look while he wrote down my weight. He would keep track of it everyday and let me know if I gained or lost. I thought that was a fabulous idea.

        Day one was a pitty party. It started off with promise, but by dinner time I was feeling sorry for myself. Thinking of all of the foods and restaurants I would miss, pissed me off. Why can't I eat what I want? Why can't I have four slices of pizza if I want? Because Amy, you need to eat to live, not live to eat.

       I did log back on to My Fitness Pal and start tracking my food again. My calorie goal is set to 1560 and any exercise I do will not be tracked. I do not want to use those extra calories as bonuses. I did go over by about 100 calories, but I was not going to be too hard on myself.

Fat Girl in a Little Coat