Tuesday, March 25, 2014


       Today is day two. I made sure I had the same breakfast so it would be easier to track. Work was good but kept waiting for my shift to end so I could go walk. I feel stoked about my new adventure.
         I got them and prept the kitchen for Dru and his friends. Still waiting for my me time, I ran to the store and grabbed things for dinner. Finally, I threw on my clothes and took off.

       I am pretty sure I started off to fast, because I sure ran out of gas sooner than yesterday. I made sure I pushed myself but not too much. I would switch from jogging to walking then back again. I would set distance goals when jogging and made sure I did not quit. I did the same distance as yesterday but for some reason I still feel I cut myself short.

        I arrived back home and did some dishes and got dinner cooked. The shower called to me as did the couch. With my belly full and the TV calling, I sit on the couch waiting for bedtime so I can do it again.


Monday, March 24, 2014

I did it!

       Well I started my morning off right. I am using my Weight Watchers app that I have been paying for, but not using, to help me keep track of my food intake. I started off with an English muffin cut in half and toasted, both sides topped with an egg.

       After breakfast I started my school work, Intro to Biology, so I could get a head before class started. My professor likes to speed talk and ramble on about biology stuff. After class I shuffled over to my lab. I don't know what it is, but I am sure having trouble in that class. We took our quiz, which I failed yet another one, then listened to his incessant babbling, and finally got to work on the lesson. We had to list the phylum of certain animals, write a description, then write some facts.The whole time I was spacing off thinking of when I get home I was going to hit the track at the park, and boy did I, but first I stopped at Subway and got me a 3" turkey sub with no cheese, no dressing, just meat and veggies.

    I snatched up the kids when they got home from school and raced over to the park. I let my daughter take her bike, won't do that again, and for some reason, I just took off jogging. Here I am 277 pounds, have not exercised in a dogs age and I just take off. I was able to jog about a quarter of a mile before I had to switch to walking. Here is the thing, I did not stop. If I was not jogging I was walking. I kept telling myself, "You can do it." I also was remembering back when I was 17 and overweight, surprise, I was joining the Army and my recruiter would take me to the gym 4 days a week. The very first day he had me jogging. When I stopped, he was behind me with his hand on my back pushing me as he was jogging, "Move it DEPer (Delayed Entry Program). That kept me motivated.

       Now, there were also some terrible thoughts going through my head too. What if my heart just exploded right here on the track where grandmas and grandpas were walking? Where kids were playing on the playground or walking with mom?  Well that did not happen. But, what about when I was done, what if I got home and kicked the bucket after I got cooled down and showered? Since you are reading this, that did not happen either.

       When all was said and done, I jogged half a mile and walked .86 of a mile. I felt I could have gone more, but the sides of my lower leg were killing me. Like shin splints, only on the outsides. We got back in the car and went home. Before I went in the house, I stretched out my legs and ankles; then I showered, and upon exiting the bathroom, I could not help but smile. I did it!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

Slap in the face!

Plagued with many health conditions: chronic diastolic heart failure, hypertension, muscle weakness, superventricular tachycardia, borderline diabetic, and of course, obesity; I have decided enough was enough after my cardiologist suggested I get the lap band procedure done. At that moment I knew it was important for me to drop this weight. When I got home with the papers they gave me, I wrote on the bottom, "I WILL NOT DO THIS!" I am going to do this the natural way. This blog will be my journey through my challenge.